Welders and boilermakers in Western Australia

Welders and boilermakers play a significant role in Western Australia (WA).

Their expertise support WA’s manufacturing, construction, and mining industries.

Are you a welder or boilermaker considering a change of location? WA has plenty of career opportunities for you!

Below you can find out more about what you need to do to work as a welder or boilermaker in WA and what you need to move. If you’re ready to check out all the welder and boilermaker jobs available now go to Seek.

Required registration and licences

You may need:

  • Construction Induction Card

  • Working at Heights licence

  • High Risk Work licence

  • Confined Space Entry

  • Rigging/Dogging tickets

  • Forklift licence

  • Driver’s licence (C Class)

  • National Police Check

First class welders (coded welders) and boilermakers (metal fabricators) don’t need a licence to trade in WA. You may need other relevant licences, depending on the requirements of your employer.

Information on some of the applicable licences is available on the Department of Mining, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) website.  

Welder and boilermaker licences in WA

Welders and boilermakers moving to WA from overseas

You'll need a valid visa to work in Australia. There are several different visa options available. Your eligibility will depend on your situation and qualifications. More information on the types of visas available is on the Migration WA website.

Skilled workers seeking to connect with WA employers can do so by registering for the Skilled Migrant Employment Register (external link). If an employer wishes to contact you through the register, Migration WA will provide them with your contact details.

If you plan to work as a welder or boilermaker in WA, you may need to have your overseas qualifications recognised. Australian employers often require you to hold a relevant Australian qualification and or evidence of the relevant occupational licence. 

You can consider obtaining a skills assessment through Trades Recognition Australia (TRA) (external link). Or once you arrive in WA, consider applying for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) through a WA TAFE College or private training provider, find out more on the Jobs and Skills WA website

Welders and boilermakers moving to WA from another state or territory within Australia

Australian welders and boilermakers can move across Australian states and territories to work without requiring mutual recognition.

Each state and territory in Australia have individual licensing requirements. Check the validity of any licences you’ll need, and transfer to WA or apply where required.

If you need a vehicle for your work, you’ll need to ensure your driver’s licence/s are transferred. If you’re bringing a vehicle with you, you must transfer the registration over to WA. Learn more about licence and vehicle registration transfers via the DoT website.

How much can I earn as a welder or boilermaker in Australia?


According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics Employee Earnings (May 2021 release), the estimated salary for welders (first class) and boilermakers is $84,552 per year.

What kind of work could I have as a welder or boilermaker in WA?

Some work WA welders and boilermakers can expect as part of their role includes:

  • Tungsten Inert Gas and Wolfram Inert Gas welding techniques

  • Casting metal parts and bending them into shape

  • Welding and bolting steel pieces together

  • Installation and performance evaluation of boilers

  • Reading and analysing blueprints

  • Evaluating the performance of boiler systems.

How to become a welder or boilermaker in WA

First class welders require a 4-year apprenticeship in engineering tradesperson fabrication.

Boilermakers usually need to undertake an apprenticeship to acquire welding skills but not necessarily to a coded standard.

First class welders completing an apprenticeship will provide them with a nationally recognised qualification.

In that time, you’ll complete your Certificate III in Engineering.

If you’re considering applying for apprenticeships and traineeships, you could qualify for reduced tuition fees under the State Government’s Lower Fees, Local Skills initiative.  

More information on welder (first class) or metal fabricator work is available on the Jobs & Skills WA website.

Training and qualifications      

  • 4-year apprenticeship

  • Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade (Boilermaking/Welding) (MEM30319)

Ready to look for your next welder or boilermaker role in WA?

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